Our baby: My mother's famous motto, "
'Taint nothin' simple", is pretty much always true. You know, your mom is always right. This month, the month we are due to receive our referral of our child from China, the Chinese agency that makes these referrals, the CCAA, is moving offices. As in, packing up boxes, disconnecting computers, labeling stuff, putting in trucks, driving somewhere else in Beijing, unloading, etc. yadda ad infinitum. No one can really say if or by how much that will delay this month's referrals. So, bottom line is, we can't expect a standard timeframe. It might be next week! It might be the end of August. No one can really say. So I am removing the dumb countdown ticker at the top of our blog. Bad Andrea for making an assumption.... you know what that makes out of me. (In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's the little wisdomette: "Assume" makes an ass out of u and me.) I imagine that nearly everyone that reads my blog (all 3 of you, ha ha ha! ha.) will hear from us personally that we have received our referral before you see it here. So no need to frantically refresh our blog (I'm the only one who does that anyway, exactly what I am looking for I don't know), we will be making individual phone calls, personal visits, e-mails, and posts when the Big Day arrives.
Heat: It is hot here. Danged hot, pardon my French. Not that that was French, that's just a phrase, and I'm not really sure why we use it; none of the cuss words I know are French anyway. However I digress. It is hot here. I know most of you are suffering with me. I feel deflated and wilted, as I usually do when it's been 100+ for 10 days in a row. My productivity has ground to a halt, as I spend most of my time being still in hopes of staying cool.
39: I turned 39 yesterday. THIRTY-NINE! What has happened to me? I feel about 24 in my mind. From the looks of it, most of my body parts are NOT feeling 24, thankyouverymuch NOT. But as my mom says, getting old is better than the alternative. Once again, Mom is always right.
Upcoming posts: I've got to post a pictoral retrospective of my work on the nursery, also known as the nasty looking room with heaps of drying wallpaper on the floor. A home-improvement guru I am not. I am also going to write a post about internet friends. You know, people (women) you meet on the internet that you chat with via e-mail, message boards, phone, or in person. Because these women have saved my sanity many times, I want to give a shout out to them and how much I appreciate them. I think they make up the majority of our blog readership anyway!
Trevorisms: I mentioned to Trevor that I hadn't seen my boss all day at work. He asks, "Do you have a substitute?" Hee hee! I like having him around for the pure entertainment value of kids; not to mention that I would throw myself in front of a bus to save him and all that, kids are highly entertaining!
Stay tuned!