Apparently it was too high.

Adventures in family-building

September 15, 2008

Daddy is gone, Day 3

First, the pictures:

How 2-month-olds pose:

How 2-year-olds pose:

How 8-year-olds pose:

Will explain below:

This is the third full-day since Paul has deserted us been away on a business trip. The tallies so far:

Number of cooking pots and large, hard-cover books lost to trapping giant, man-eating spiders on our floor:
Pots - 2
Books - 4

Number of vomiting episodes by virus-stricken children - 6

Number of days of school lost due to aforementioned vomiting - 1

Number of hours of sleep mommy has gotten, on average, the last three nights, due to crying newborns, vomiting 8-year-olds, and 2-year-olds demanding yogurt at 4 a.m. (don't ask) - 3 1/2 hours

Number of miles Mommy has driven the two previous days in desperate attempts to have adult company - 180 miles

Number of evenings, in percentages, that Mommy has a had a glass of wine after the kids were all in bed because she felt she deserved it as hazard pay - 100%

Number of crying babies currently in Mommy's lap, effectively bringing this blog post to a close - 1


Blogger Kristen said...

Oh Andrea - I've done the "daddy is overseas and all the children start vomiting thing" and it is NOT FUN.

And I didn't even have to deal with any giant spiders!

I hope everyone is feeling better and that you can get some SLEEP.

Hang in there.

I found a grocery store that would deliver ginger ale and saltines to me the last time it happened. I saw the delivery guy more than any other adult for 8 straight days!

How long is he gone????

7:31 PM  

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