Apparently it was too high.

Adventures in family-building

August 13, 2008


On Monday night Simon befouled himself and his changing station. Then while we were cleaning up we left him uncovered and he peed on our sheets requiring a 3AM linen change. We now have a story to tell at Christmas in 20 years. :-)
I should have posted this yesterday, but ya kn0w, we'er like soooo busy. We were out of the house by 9AM to take the older two children to the dentist. After that we went to the mall for several hours. We have not done that in ages. Then, I went and got a haircut. That transitioned into a hasty dinner and bathing. Then both Momma and Not-the-momma had hour plus long conference calls AT THE SAME TIME. Momma's was local. Mine was Malaysia. Amazing coincidence.
(Internet photo of Kuala Lumpur)



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